Weeks list

week 27
Price category
1 Special lunch

Students 4,50- 15,00 €
Researcher stud. 7,55 - 15,00 €
Staff 8,95 - 15,00 €
Others 10,45 - 15,00 €

2 Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

3 Soup

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8,90 €

4 Light lunch

Students 2,65 €
Researcher stud. 5,40 €
Staff 6,90 €
Others 8,40 €

5 Sallad / baguette

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 6,10 €
Others 6,10 €

6 Dessert

Students 1,50-2,50 €
Researcher stud. 1,50-2,50 €
Staff 1,50-2,50 €
Others 1,50-2,50 €

Aurum Aurum

MON-THU 10.30-18
FRI 10.30-14
SAT 12-15

monday 01.07.2024

Beef goulash stew with yoghurt sauce, potatoes * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €


Lactose free, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 109kcal, Fat 4.8g, Carbs 1g, Protein 15.2g, Salt 744.94mg.

Venezualian chicken soup w. cheese and coriander * 3

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8,90 €


Lactose free, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 53kcal, Fat 2.5g, Carbs 3.3g, Protein 4.2g, Salt 653.27mg.

Beetroot and bean gratin * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

Vgn G P

Vegan, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 64kcal, Fat 4.2g, Carbs 2g, Protein 4.2g, Salt 569mg.

Vegetable moussaka w. tofu * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

Vgn G C P

Vegan, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 74kcal, Fat 3.4g, Carbs 8.2g, Protein 2.3g, Salt 550.54mg.

tuesday 02.07.2024

Chicken Tandoori stew, rice * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €


Gluten free, milk free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 115kcal, Fat 5.9g, Carbs 4.1g, Protein 11.2g, Salt 719.85mg.

West African stew with soy and peanuts, rice * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

Vgn G N C P

Vegan, gluten free, contains nuts, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 114kcal, Fat 6.7g, Carbs 6.7g, Protein 6.5g, Salt 602.9mg.

wednesday 03.07.2024

Breaded flounder fillet with dill sour cream sauce, potatoes * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €


Lactose free, contains citrus fruits.

100g contains: Energy 174kcal, Fat 12.1g, Carbs 3.6g, Protein 12.6g, Salt 721.38mg.

Fish fingers with dill sour cream sauce, potatoes * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €


Lactose free, gluten free, contains citrus fruits.

100g contains: Energy 174kcal, Fat 12.1g, Carbs 3.6g, Protein 12.6g, Salt 721.38mg.

Pesto-tomato pasta with tofu and olives * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

Vgn (G) P

Vegan, also available as gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 204kcal, Fat 4.4g, Carbs 33g, Protein 7.4g, Salt 653mg.

Oven rice porridge, jam/sugar & cinnamon * 4
Light lunch

Students 2,65 €
Researcher stud. 5,40 €
Staff 6,90 €
Others 8,40 €


Vegetarian, lactose free, gluten free.

100g contains: Energy 69kcal, Fat 2.7g, Carbs 9.9g, Protein 0.9g, Salt 619mg.

thursday 04.07.2024

Pasta Bolognese * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

(G) M C P

Also available as gluten free, milk free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 125kcal, Fat 5.1g, Carbs 14.4g, Protein 5.2g, Salt 578mg.

Pea patties with spinach sauce, potatoes * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

Vgn G C P

Vegan, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 135kcal, Fat 7.5g, Carbs 9.9g, Protein 6.8g, Salt 830mg.

friday 05.07.2024

Teriyaki salmon and shrimp rice wok, bearnaise mayonnaise * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €


Lactose free, gluten free, contains nuts, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.

100g contains: Energy 111kcal, Fat 4g, Carbs 15.9g, Protein 2.9g, Salt 525mg.

Tortilla with vegetable and soy filling, chili mayonnaise * 2
Normal lunch

Students 2,95 €
Researcher stud. 5,70 €
Staff 7,40 €
Others 8.90 €

Vgn (G) C P

Vegan, also available as gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.

100g contains: Energy 101kcal, Fat 4.4g, Carbs 11g, Protein 4.3g, Salt 459.26mg.

saturday 06.07.2024