Lactose free, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
100g contains: Energy 115kcal, Fat 5.9g, Carbs 4.1g, Protein 11.2g, Salt 719.85mg.
Lactose free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.
100g contains: Energy 210kcal, Fat 11.3g, Carbs 20g, Protein 12g, Salt 923.3mg.
Vegan, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
100g contains: Energy 114kcal, Fat 9g, Carbs 4.1g, Protein 4.5g, Salt 774.65mg.
Vegetarian, lactose free, contains nuts, contains eggs.
Milk free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
Gluten free, milk free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains celery.
100g contains: Energy 163kcal, Fat 12.5g, Carbs 3.9g, Protein 13.2g, Salt 770mg.
Vegan, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains celery.
100g contains: Energy 98kcal, Fat 2.9g, Carbs 14.2g, Protein 3.6g, Salt 291mg.
Vegan, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
100g contains: Energy 127kcal, Fat 6.6g, Carbs 10.9g, Protein 5.8g, Salt 65.74mg.
Vegan, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
100g contains: Energy 86kcal, Fat 5.8g, Carbs 4.4g, Protein 5g, Salt 520mg.
Lactose free, also available as gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains eggs.
Lactose free, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
Lactose free, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.
Also available as gluten free, milk free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.
Lactose free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.
Lactose free, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.
Vegetarian, lactose free, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
Lactose free, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
100g contains: Energy 130kcal, Fat 7.6g, Carbs 11.4g, Protein 3.8g, Salt 753mg.
Vegan, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
Vegetarian, lactose free, gluten free, contains citrus fruits, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, contains eggs.
100g contains: Energy 65kcal, Fat 3.4g, Carbs 7.3g, Protein 1g, Salt 652mg.
Lactose free, gluten free, contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili.
Student/researcher with card: 1 glass (milk, juice) for free
Other customers: 0,40 €/glass
Lunch coffee: 1,20 €
V vegetarian, VGN vegan, L lactose free, G gluten free, (G) available as gluten free, M milk free, LL low lactose, N contains nuts, C contains citrus fruits, P contains bell pepper/capsicum/chili, S contains celery, Ä contains eggs.
* Nutritional content according to KELA's guidelines.
We believe that nutritious and tasty meals make a great foundation for a sustainable everyday life. Lunchtime is a highlight for many of us – we get to socialize with our peers and take a well deserved break from our studies or work. One of our main goals is to develop a greener business. In our restaurants, we strive to always have climate friendly options for you to enjoy with a clean concious.